01 April 2013

Interlude: Penis Festival

Yes. It's that time again. While billions of people around the world celebrate a theology of sadism and state-sanctioned murder and the hope there is some paradisical abode beyond all that (and this) they're entitled to because of how emotional they get about the whole suffering thing, Shintoist Japanese celebrate their annual penis festival: Kanamara Matsuri, かなまら祭り or, "Festival of the Steel Phallus," which itself follows the Hōnen Matsuri, 豊年祭 or, Harvest Festival.

You knew there would be pics:

(click to embiggen. Heh heh)

However you choose to celebrate, it is Springtime in the Northern Hemisphere—a time for renewal—and I wish you the best of the season. As for me? It's Opening Day! and for the first time in years the Braves are in town for their first game of the year. I'll be at Turner Field on what looks to be a lovely early Spring evening for baseball.

[You're welcome!]