
23 March 2015

This Week in Water

The island nation of Vanuatu is in desperate straits after a direct hit by a massive, Category 5 cyclone. Relief agencies desperately need monetary help.

Ocean acidification may destroy the economies of many U.S. coastal towns.

Massive glacier melt runoff in Alaska may have dire consequences for marine life in the region. Alaska is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the country. It is the canary in the climate coal mine or the frog in the boiling pot; and it is baking.

Winter Arctic sea ice achieved the lowest level in history.

The Totten Glacier in East Antarctica is melting from below as well as from above. It is roughly the size of the U.S. South (538,000 square kilometers), and if it melted global sea levels could rise eleven feet.

Boston set an all-time seasonal snowfall record.

California's record drought, now in its fourth year, has brought calls for $1 Billion in drought relief and conservation planning. The State only has about one year's worth of water left, and snow melt was down again this winter.

Coastal fog in California is declining, and that means the decline of its redwoods among other things.

Waikiki Beach is eroding and may soon disappear.

Oxygen-breathing microbes have been found teeming in sediment in the deadest regions of the world's oceans.

From slowly growing crust on the bottom of the ocean, cosmologists are able to decipher evidence of an ancient, nearby supernova.

They have found life—i.e., evidence of organic molecules—on Mars. For Real!

Scientists have found evidence of a vast hidden ocean on Ganymede, Jupiter's and the Solar System's largest moon.

1 comment:

  1. Ocean acidification and global warming are in a race to see which will change human existence on the planet drastically for the worst, first.
