
18 September 2013

Why Did the Wild Turkey Cross the Road?

Took some time off from the internets and politics and even fiction writing for a few days R & R with Wisdoc in the NC mountains last week. She has just submitted a couple grant applications and we've just packed our youngest off to college. First non-school-recess-related vacay in I don't know how many years.

Drove 100 miles or so on the Blue Ridge Parkway—something you must do at some point in your life. Hiked to/from waterfalls. Ate vegan in the hipsterest area of one of America's hipsterest towns: Asheville—clad in hiking shorts and boots (not Five Fingers this time). Didn't feel out of place, oddly. Took it easier than on some 'forced march' trips we've had in the past.

So, pics. As always, mouse over pic for 'secret' message and/or click to embiggen slide show.

Goats on the Roof, near Tallulah, GA
Love the colon!
The Cabin
The view from the cabin porch
First waterfall of the week
'Tis the season
For all your one-stop mountain shopping needs, Brevard, NC
Next waterfall
Wisdoc dwarfed by boulder
Wisdoc beneath another waterfall
Another in the 'things growing on other things' series
Sliding Rock, Pisgah National Forest
Sky shadows and mountains
Mt. Mitchell, NC
Vista after vista along the Blue Ridge Parkway, both sides of the road
On a magical hike around Mt. Mitchell peak
Again with the Blue Ridge Parkway vistas
More things growing on other things
Last waterfall of the week
Mountain muffin
Blue ridges at evening (courtesy Wisdoc)
Why did the wild turkeys cross the road?
Water flowing over rocks (courtesy Wisdoc)


  1. Because Jim Beam was about to drink him?

    P.S. I had to get that out of the way. Those pics are spectacular!

  2. Thanks. But for me it was just point and shoot. I'm sure you can attest to how lovely the East Coast mtns can be. I've seen your own snaps.
