
17 October 2011

Unfamiliar Paths

Thanks, again, to Frances Madeson for Occupying the front page of WoW with her first-hand account of Occupy St. Louis for the last week. FM: Let us know you're okay, and if you have more to say, get it to me. We'll try to post it here. Meanwhile, the Occupation has spread world-wide. After a month, it's beginning to feel like a real Movement. Where it will go is still anyone's guess.

Last weekend, Wisdoc and I caught the NC mountains at their autumnal peak. Hiked in the woods probably a total of 12 hours over two days. Click 'em, yo!

En route

Faithful Companions

Color not photoshopped

"C'mon people, let's get a move on. We gonna' do this thing or what?"

'Dappled' is the word.

Can you say 'rhododendron'?

"Let's sit here for a spell. Who's got trail mix?"

"Thanks for that."
"This way, Jim. Steady there."

"Coming, Jakey. Who's a good boy?"

Steady stepping.

"Are you sure the path goes up that way?"

Corporate blight.

Ah, back on the single track.

Even the ground cover is colorful.

Just wow.

A carpet of leaves to show you the way.

Way back up in them thar hills.


Easy, peasy.

So quiet, for reals.

Downhill. Nice.

How civilized.

That evening sun go down.

Last light. "Anybody know how to get back to the trailhead?"


  1. Darkthroning!

    Most excellent, but I'm really digging that third one, what a fantastic paint job by nature.

  2. Thanks. More great palette work to come.

    What's the origin of your word 'darkthroning'? I would like to use it some. Do you own a copyright, trademark, or something?

    Jim H.
