
01 March 2010

We Interrupt...

...your regularly scheduled serial blog post (about J.M. Coetzee's latest work) to bring you this important announcement:

Once again, WoW has been nominated for a prize at 3QuarksDaily. This time it's for Literary Post of the Year.

As you can see from the sidebar, one of my posts was a finalist for the 3QuarksDaily Political Post of the Year.

I urge you ALL to go to 3QuarksDaily, read the nominated posts, and, if you are so inclined, vote for mine: "Wisdom of the West: Realisms." It is the next to last choice at the bottom of the page.

Semifinalists will be chosen by popular vote. Finalists will be selected by the 3QD editors. And Robert Pinsky, former U.S. Poet Laureate, will choose the winners.

Even if you don't like my post, there are a number of terrific literary bloggers nominated. You will expand your world by reading them.

Here is the link to the list of nominees.

Here is the link to my nominated post: Realisms.

And here, if you're interested, is the political post that made it to the final round: "Blunderbuss".

Jim H.

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled reading.

1 comment:

  1. Loving it!

    I’ve already voted for the other Russell—Jacob. Thought we could spark the global revolution with a flick of his mighty bic. Hope you both make the semis.

    I got a question for you though, Jim, while I’m here. I was reading about Sorrentino and the Oulipo and I’m wondering. Once you wander into Oulip’s orbit is there any other way out, but death?
